Vebego Airport Services – Measuring environmental impact to collaborate with stakeholders and minimize impact on the planet
Vebego Airport Services is part of Vebego Holding – a family-run facility services company founded in 1943 with over 42,000 employees. Vebego believes it can offer the most added value to its stakeholders (such as customers, employees and society as a whole) by providing meaningful work for its employees. Within the Vebego group, Vebego Airport Services focuses on facility services at Schiphol airport and KLM.
Project description
Vebego Airport Services was interested in its impact on three themes: Scope 1, 2, 3 CO2-emissions, energy use and waste. Impact Institute measured Vebego Airport Services’ impact on the planet by assessing its contribution to climate change (the impact resulting from Scope 1, 2, 3 CO2-emissions), depletion of fossil fuels and impacts related to management of Vebego Airport Services’ waste, namely water pollution and air pollution.
Benefits to the client
The client can use the resulting insights to discuss its environmental impact internally in order to minimize impact on the planet. Moreover, it can communicate the results to clients and suppliers to offer transparency and discuss opportunities for reducing environmental impact in the shared value chain.